Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Friday, October 30, 2009

Which is Worse

Which is Worse: Self-pity or Self-righteousness

Invisible illness, invisible friends, invisible family
What happens then?
The pain becomes worse
Loneliness sets in
Next comes depression
Is that not a sin?

They don’t want to hear, talk of what they can’t see
Don’t care if you cry
It’s redundant, you see
Keep your chin up
Lie about how you feel
But wait, isn’t that?
Yes, that is a sin

I’m NOT invisible, I just want to scream
It’s the illness, you see, that isolates me
Do they care, do they know, do they think about me
Or do they think in their hearts that they’re better than me
Because guess what people—guess what if you do
You’ll find in the end that it is not true
With that kind of logic, you will not win
Because I know for SURE, that THAT is a sin


Friday, July 31, 2009

Nice thoughts from www.sparkpeople.com

If you have one true friend you have more than your share.

- Thomas Fuller, English clergyman & historian

The value of friendship

We all have a handful of acquaintances--those people with whom we work or see at the store and casually say hello to and move on. But a friend is someone you confide in, bring over for an afternoon cup of coffee, invite to your wedding, or cry with when a loved one passes away. You just feel a sense of safety with a friend. Don't wait until a rainy day to express how much a good friend means to you. Often we are unaware of how much we mean to others until they speak up, and likewise we never know how much another person might truly need to hear such affirmations. An approving, cheerful word of encouragement can thrill a heart. Be sure to always say kind words before you part, show sympathy during hard times and affection during wonderful ones. Life would not be the same without positive friendships. Express your gratitude to someone today who has made a difference in your world!

Can Those with an Invisible Illness Park in the Blue Spots Without Others Seeing Red?

Can Those with an Invisible Illness Park in the Blue Spots Without Others Seeing Red?

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Sunday, June 28, 2009

Fibromyalgia and Diet: 7 Foods to Avoid

Fibromyalgia and Diet: 7 Foods to Avoid: "SHARE"

Fibromyalgia: The Diet Connection

Fibromyalgia: The Diet Connection

Shared via AddThis

Saturday, May 16, 2009

Thoughts on rain...

Thoughts on rain...

Yes, again, today we had rain
And you know that with Fibro, rain brings on pain
Don't get me wrong though, I'm not here to complain
I just look to the heavens, there's much more to gain

BEAUTIFUL flowers, some already in bloom
Many more waiting, takes the edge off the gloom
God doesn't leave us hanging: crying, wallowing in doom
Keep your heart and mind open, SUMMER'S coming SOON!

Jump in the pool, because it's so hot
Flowers all around us, who would have thought
Just a couple of weeks could bring on such a draught
Hmmm, what am I going to do now, with that RAINcoat I bought???

LMW c2009